Friday, September 24, 2010

It's Official!

I am IN REDDING!!!  I’ve actually been here for two weeks, but it’s been a little crazy so I haven’t had time to update this thing.

This is going to be the greatest year of my life. I am convinced!

To start off, let me tell you about my trip out here. THREE days of driving in my little Echo across this amazingly empty country. I never knew how many people there aren’t in America.

The first day was pretty long, a grueling 14 hours from Dallas up to Evergreen, CO. We left my house at about 5 AM and drove to Denton to get coffee. We then made our way up through the panhandle of Texas, stopped in Amarillo for lunch, and made our way into New Mexico. Not gonna lie, I was pretty bored through there. It felt like I drove past the same mountain or volcano 5o times. We then headed up to Colorado. Colorado is beautiful, the mountains are breathtaking, and I am so thankful I was able to drive through them. We arrived at my Uncle’s house in Evergreen at around 8 PM their time after eating dinner in Colorado Springs, then we chatted with the family some and headed to bed.

Saturday looked much more promising – it was only and 8 hour trip to Salt Lake City. We started off at 7 and headed over the Rocky Mountains (GORGEOUS – I’ll post pictures later), and then into Utah. Little did we know how long 8 hours could feel. I don’t like Utah. Not one bit. It was flat. It was empty. It was creepy. We stayed at a hotel in Salt Lake City about 2 blocks from “the temple”. Let me tell you, there are some serious strongholds going on in that town!! We did get to see this cool shopping center thing that they built for the Olympics though.

Sunday we left Salt Lake City at the crack of dawn and headed out across the actual Salt Lake. It was so cool!!! I didn’t realize just how diverse the landscape is out there!! It was a strange mix of mountains and deserts and salty sands as far as the eye could see. It was really interesting. Nevada was very mountainous as well. We drove and drove and drove that day until we just couldn’t take it anymore, and finally we arrived in Redding. We got there with just enough time to meet two of my roommates and head the the Bethel night service.

I walked into Bethel and INSTANTLY felt the Lord’s presence. It came on me strong and I started lightly trembling. It was like God just wanted to let me know “you are supposed to be here” just in case there was any doubt in me (and there definitely was). The whole service was just exactly what I needed after those 3 days of wondering why on earth I was really driving across the country and leaving everything I knew to go to a school of ministry when there are 5 million of them in the DFW area! This was meant to be. I felt so much peace about this decision after so many months of struggle.  I can’t begin to describe what went on that night. So good. God is so good.
After the service we headed to bed. Best night of sleep ever. I slept in my new townhouse for the first time and slept in and was so rested. The next day we began the unpacking process. My Dad was amazing. He was so tired, but he just wanted to make sure I had absolutely everything I needed before he left the next day. There are no words to express how grateful I am that he was so supportive and came with me. I would have been a wreck without him. We unpacked all day, and ate In N’ Out with my roommates, and installed a washer & dryer and all sorts of things. It was a long day.

The next day my dad left early to head home and alot of things hit me. I was alone, in California, thousands of miles away from my family. I had a mini panic attack. Once I just let it all out I was fine though.
I seriously am SO blessed. I have the greatest roommates ever!!!!!! Naomi is just a bucket of joy, Sarah is the sweetest person you will ever meet, and Mikaela is just so incredibly sincere and caring. I could not have picked better people to live with. We have a fully furnished 1200 sq ft Townhouse with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. It is so adorable! I work from home, and we are sharing internet with our neighbor (which is a huge financial blessing), so everything is just working out perfectly!!

We also have Bethel students living on both sides of us. On the right there are three girls, and on the left are two guys, plus an older gentlemen named Francois who I’m convinced is a super hero. He goes to Bethel (so not just a random dude) and is the most considerate person I have EVER MET. He has brought us meals, offered us job opportunities grading papers, and given us tips for the neighborhood.  We love Francois. We always invite him over when we have movie nights and people over. Totally cool.

That’s basically how things are going at this piont. I will write more about the actual ministry school later. I love you all, and miss you so much!! I’m praying for The MVMNT!! Let me know  how everything is going!


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