Thursday, September 30, 2010


I have been in California almost a month now. I really cannot believe how fast time has flown, yet it seems like I have been here at least four months now!

I am learning so much, and growing so much. God has been revealing so many things to me these past few weeks. He has shown me how many religious mindsets I really did have that I wasn't even aware of. He has started changing my perceptions of Him as well. He's showing me how He is my Daddy, how He is my Comfort, how He is my Provision. 

I am overwhelmed but so full of joy at the same time. School is basically like sitting through 2 or 3 church services a day, and all of it is so deep and revelatory that it just takes some time to process. What a good thing to be overwhelmed by..

Today was one of the sweetest days I've had since I have been here. I went to school today, and all we did was make journals - they can be prayer journals or prophetic journals or whatever we want them to be. We cut up magazines and made collages of things that we love, or what we want this year to be like. We could make prophetic declarations through the collages or just make something that represented us. It was great to get into that creative mode and just create. To join with The Creator in creating something beautiful :). 

While we were doing that, groups of us were brought into a different room full of second year students that proceeded to prophesy over us for 10 minutes each. The words I got were sooo perfect. 

I had been feeling down all weekend, not depressed, just off. I miss my family, I miss my friends, and I just have so much to do. I had even talked to my roommate Sarah about it this morning. Then I was prophesied over and the words they kept giving me had to do with this year being a season of rest for me, with no obligations, no expectations. Just a season for me to explore who I am in God, and who God is, and to take in every little thing I see and hear and enjoy it! There was more, but that's just for me. 

God is so so good. I have the best Dad in the whole world. He knows my heart and knows what I need, and He is going to provide it. I don't know what that's going to look like when I am working 40 hours a week, and in school for 20 hours, and have 20+ hours of homework, but I know He's going to take care of it. If He said it, I believe it. 

I already feel a change in my heart and my perceptions, and things that used to plague me are fading away and being healed. I feel like a new person already and can't wait to see who I am at the end of this year. He is so so good. 


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