Sunday, October 3, 2010

You make me come alive!

God is so good. He has just been showing me deeper and deeper pictures of His character these past few weeks. He has been changing all of my perceptions of Him!

Tonight I was at service, and during worship we were singing this song and one of the lines was "This is what You do, this is what You do, You make me come alive". I started just singing that and thinking about it and God showed me this picture of He and I in a field of wheat (I think?). He was holding me around my waist, with my back towards His chest and He was just twirling me around, and we were laughing and I was just able to rest my head on His shoulder, and just enjoy my time with Him. I attempted to draw it when I got home, but I'm not so talented in that area. It was the most beautiful picture of life and joy and love that I have ever seen!! It just made me feel so good inside. He just wants to be with me and have fun with me and just love on me. How simple is that! It's not about striving or struggle or anything. He just wants to BE with me. Just BE. 

He also just keeps showing me this side of Him, that He is my Daddy. I never really understood that before. I knew the whole "heavenly Father" blah blah blah stuff, but it wasn't something I KNEW. It hadn't hit my heart. This morning during worship a guy came up and started talking about how we need to realize that the Lord DELIGHTS in us. He doesn't delight in us because we love him, He doesn't delight in us because we do things for Him, or obey His commands. He delights in us because we are us! He knew us before we were born and delighted in us then. He delighted in us before we had the chance to sin  or make any decisions at all. He just loves us!!! Condition free!! As he was saying all of this, God just gave me a revelation of what that looks like... Think of an expectant father. A father with a child on the way is already in love with that child. He is excited and has plans and dreams for that child and has this unexplainable deep love for someone who he hasn't met or seen or talked to. He loves that child before the child has a chance to love him back!! And he continues to love that child for the rest of their life despite any choices the child makes to obey or disobey or anything! That's a picture of God's love for us, times infinity!!

His love is just so so so deep and unfailing, and He is so good. 

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