Friday, October 22, 2010


It's all about perspective.

I have been living this life for 23 years now, and honestly it's not been bad, but it's also not been amazing a lot of the time. Until now!

Why? Because I am realizing who I am, and who He is!!!!!!

I am His daughter, and He is my Daddy. He love love love love love love loves me! I wish I could just transfer the realization of this directly into your brain as you are reading this. 

I am experiencing more freedom than I have ever known before.

I spent so many years thinking of God as this "Heavenly Father" who really had no input in my life whatsoever, and who just watched me make mistakes from afar. I figured that as long as I did the "right" things I'd be fine. I knew He "loved" me, but more in the way you love your dog... no real communication and if they do something bad you put them in a kennel. 

You know what's even worse? I had NO IDEA I saw God that way!!!!! I thought I had a pretty good perspective of Him. I had no major issues going on in my life, I mean I'm not perfect, but I thought I had it together for the most part.

All I knew was that I wanted more, but little did I know how much more there really was!

He's giving me a new perspective. A new set of lenses :) He's showing me how to see things through His eyes instead of my own.

AND He's giving me JOY! I was sitting here reading my bible, then thinking about what to write on here, and I just burst into laughter. He is just so good. I had no idea what Joy looked like or felt like before now!

Now I realize what "Your joy is my strength" really means. When you have even just a taste of that joy, everything else just fades away. 

God has my back.

I love you all, and I'm praying you experience some of His JOY and LOVE this week! :)


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